The Enhanced Faces JavaScript Library backchannel object submits the search term to the server in the background. EnhancedFacesJavaScriptLibrarybackchannel对象在后台将搜索词提交到服务器端。
The results show that the enhanced method leads to a significant reduction of background noise and the unnatural structure of the residual noise. 实验表明,该增强算法能够在减小语音失真的同时,很好地抑制背景噪声和残余音乐噪声。
The finding shows that there are no significant differences between boy students and girl students, but all of them should be enhanced in the strategies of requiring the background knowledge. 数据分析结果表明,男女生在这方面不存在显著性差异,但是在学得文化背景知识的策略上,男女生都有待加强,并根据调查结果提出了提高学生英语文化背景知识的相应对策。
A spectrum signals detection method has been designed for surface enhanced Raman scattering ( SERS) under high fluorescence and background noise. 试提出一种高荧光及强背景噪声情况下表面增强拉曼散射光谱的提取方法。
Results The special manifestations of enhanced scans of cervical neurilemmoma were: ( 1) the high density corpses on the homogeneous low density background ( 24/ 72). 结果增强扫描表现特殊:(1)均匀低密度背景伴团状高密度改变(24/72)。
Wavelet Mutual Energy Combination ( WMEC) functions are defined in horizontal and vertical directions. Targets are enhanced and disturbances of background are weakened efficiently by WMEC processing at the two directions. 通过定义水平、垂直方向上的小波互能量交叉函数,在两上方向上有效地增强目标、抑制背景干扰。
The informal listening tests show that there is little speech distortion for the enhanced speech processed by the proposed method, the background noise is reduced much and free of musical noise. 非正式试听表明重建语音失真较小,背景噪声大大降低,且没有音乐噪声。
The results show that the growth rate can be efficiently enhanced at a high plasma density, so the background plasma is significant for the realistic devices of electromagnetically pumped free-electron-laser. 结果表明,等离子体背景的存在能够明显提高激光的增长率,从而说明在电磁泵浦自由电子激光器中加入等离子体背景具有现实意义。
Prove it by practically, we had enhanced the reality degree of background simulation effectively. 实用证明,有效地提高了模拟背景的逼真程度。
An radical alteration in the reform and opening brought by the reorganization of resources is the gap of social polarization becomes larger, the alteration has been further enhanced and protruded again under the background of globalization, and thereby has comprised a large scale of new incompetent community. 改革开放所进行的资源重组带来的一个重大变化就是社会分化程度进一步拉大,这一变化在全球化的背景下又得到了进一步的强化和凸现,形成了一个具有相当规模的新生弱势群体。
The image is first processed using undecimated wavelet transform to get the band pass image in which the anomalies are enhanced and the background is suppressed. 该方案对原图像进行非分除小波变换,以得到带通图像,使得带通图像上的奇异点得到增强,同时背景和噪声得到抑制。
The paper showed that there is a long-term trend enhanced background of the seismicity in this region. 指出该区地震活动存在着长趋势增强的背景。
Firstly, the original video data is compressed via index image method. And then the the efficiency of detection has been enhanced greatly via the unit region statistic method and background partly updated strategy. 该算法首先通过索引图转化方式压缩原始图像数据,然后通过背景分块统计、分帧更新的方式提高检测算法性能。
Among them, 3a-7 and 4a-4 with the N-morpholinyl group show linear, stoichiometrical, and enhanced fluorescence response to Zn2+ without background fluorescence. There are about 141 and 239-fold enhancement in fluorescence quantum yield, respectively. 其中,N-吗啉基取代的3a-7和4a-4几乎没有背景荧光,可以线性、等比例、化学计量地荧光增强响应锌离子,其荧光量子产率分别增强141和239倍。
We make use of edge detection combining line filter algorithm to locat staff guage. Firstly the enhanced images are carried on vertical edge detection by Prewitt operator, then the most background interference lines are removed by linear filtering algorithm. 首先利用Prewitt算子对增强的图像进行垂直边缘检测,然后利用线过滤算法处理掉大部分的背景干扰线,最后结合先验信息和行扫描定位出标尺区域。
After a period of restoration, the population of Henan has increased as well as the cultivated area and the production technology and tools enhanced and improved further. The cash farming developed gradually in this background. 经过一段时间的恢复,河南区域内的人口以及耕地面积有所增加、生产技术和生产工具得到进一步提高与改进,商品性农业便在这个背景下逐渐发展起来。